Tuesday 29 March 2011

hitches in my life

I lived my quality life with my parents, heaven for me it was. In addition to the deep love and care, I was getting spoilt. Forgetting the way to live myself, was addicted to live dependently. Depending upon the gods of my life(parents), I started forgetting "what I am". the answer for me was clear "Nothing". Discussing about this became the subject of regular argument with them, leading to nothing consensus. As life passed on, dependency increased, which I hatted deep inside my heart. They believed I am too small to take responsibilities, and my belief that I am too old and have nothing on my head. Since childhood, I desired to be accountable, and responsibilities should be dropped on me. But no, my father, my mother, wanted me to enjoy the life. Realising that I am getting spoilt seems its not their business. but I always fancy to stand on my own. Trying to involve myself in some matters, which shouldn't be, became my hobby. Many a times I demanded to be involved, which might help me to understand things. Things which should be limited to them only. But my desire was to become responsible.
Having a older brother proved to be helpful to me, irrespective of the problems that I faced being younger. My parents always trusted him, and always says that I am younger so have less knowledge, to which I agree every time and never complaint. But deep inside I still not agree, as they don't believe me. For them it was night if my brother says so, even if it is morning, but they never believed me. As they see me as immature.
Intended to do something to eliminate this, but failed every time. I had no solutions, and it all lead to confusions.

And months and months passed to find a way out.................................................................

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