Monday 30 May 2011

Found the way

.......the way was, finally, almost clear. I sensed the light of hope coming from somewhere, with which I can fulfil my desire, desire of being responsible. It was the time when my graduation was about to finish, to decide what to do further was little tough. To achieve what I want, I had no other choice and the one that is "MOVE AWAY". I started looking for universities somewhere out in the other world to go as far as I can go from my  parents, which, indeed, doesn't mean that I don't love them. It was just to make my self independent, I wanted to go way far. From choosing the course till application of visa all went like a jet in the air, no one realised that it actually happened. Standing at the airport, about to say bye to my parents who held me hand since first day of my life, happy enough to live my desired life but cried deep inside. The ones who cared, the ones who fulfilled my demands, the ones who cried for me when I cried, why am I running away from them. WHY ?, and now I don't have the answer.
After reaching England, spent few days meeting new people, suffering from the weird whether, where it rains one day and bright sunny the other day. In addition to the joy, there was bad feeling deep inside. I think I was missing someone, yes I was, and they were parents. The exact 15 days after the day I moved away from them, it was a special day for my family, when I came into this world, my birthday. In my whole life, this was the first time when I will be celebrating my birthday when my parents weren't there, or I won't celebrate. Yeah, I didn't celebrate, I was there online talking to them on skype, they wished me and slept. Whilst talking to my bhabhi, i started crying like hell, the feeling was very bad. I had no one to celebrate with, all alone in my room on my bday, no one to wish, no one to sing happy birthday song and no one to spread cake on my face. The day was the saddest day of my life I can say. I wish no one will see this day in his/her life, because miserable to me it was. Soon I went into my bed and couldn't sleep for hours.
The following 15 days were bad enough to make me move out of the accommodation. The place where I moved, satisfied now I am. Feeling of loneliness has almost gone, now I am enjoying the company of friends that I have and can enjoy it for long. HAPPY ENDINGS, but the life is still moving it will never end.

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